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Manion Artz, Sheila

My Bed Unravels, 2003

My Bed Unravels, 2003

Xerox lithograph, chine collé and thread I: 22" x 22" P: Bleed

Old Chelsea

Old Chelsea

Paper lithograph, chine collé, monotype I: 16" x 12" P: 22.25" x 14.75"

Thoughts Before the Inevitable, 2001

Thoughts Before the Inevitable, 2001

Monoprint, paper lithograph and chine collé I: 17.25" x 12.5" P: 19.5" x 14.75"

No Title, 2002

No Title, 2002

Drypoint and monotype I: 18.5" x 19" P: Bleed

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