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Human Figure

Below you see samples of prints featuring the human figure in the collection. For complete works of a particular artist access the artist page in browse by artist. Click on image and then arrows to see pieces as slide show. 

Five Minute Call, 2009

Five Minute Call, 2009

Maya Hardin Aquatint I: 15” x 19” P: 22” x 30”

Lousaide, 1987

Lousaide, 1987

Richard Brady Lithograph I: Bleed P: 19" x 27"

City Series N 7, 1993

City Series N 7, 1993

Vereschagin Gennadiy Aquatint I: 17” x 19” P: 23.5” x 25”

All in a Day’s Work, 2019

All in a Day’s Work, 2019

Derek S. Hibbs Reduction woodblock I: 30.25” x 43.75” P: Bleed

Shadows, 2015

Shadows, 2015

William Waitzman Silkscreen I: 12” x 12” P: 20” x 15”

"Elevator" & Street", 1970

"Elevator" & Street", 1970

Robert Birmelin Etching I: 20" x 16" P: 30" x 22"

Stuffed, 2000

Stuffed, 2000

Natasha Kiryankova Line etching I: 21.25” x 21.25” P: 30” x 22.5”

No Title, 1990

No Title, 1990

John Glick Lithograph I: 15" x 22" P: Bleed

No Title, 2009

No Title, 2009

Lou Netter Etching I: 17.25” x 23.5” P: 22.5” x 29.75”

Will Draw For Food, 2007

Will Draw For Food, 2007

Eric Goldberg Etching I: 11.5” x 13” P: 14.5” x 15”

Hoyt-Schimmerhorn, 2008

Hoyt-Schimmerhorn, 2008

Erik Hougen Etching I: 9” x 6” P: 15” x 11”

Bobby Sox Stop, 1984

Bobby Sox Stop, 1984

Sarah Brayer Lithograph I: 12.75" x 19.25" P: 16" x 23"

George, Asleep, 2019

George, Asleep, 2019

Sally Camp Paper lithograph, collagraph I: 10.5” x 8.5” P: 14” x 11”

In Wonderland, 2019

In Wonderland, 2019

Haomin Shi Silkscreen I: 16.5” x 19.5” P: 17.5” x 20.5”

The Robe, 2006

The Robe, 2006

Will Barnet Aquatint etching I: 12.25” x 13.25” P: 19” x 19.25”

Inspection, 1986

Inspection, 1986

Rudolf Helder Japanese woodcut I: 11” x 14.5” P: 14.5” x 18”

Lovers and Chocolates, 1990

Lovers and Chocolates, 1990

Caroline Burton Hanga I: 9.75” x 11.75” P: 9.75” x 12.75”

No Title, 1985

No Title, 1985

Virginia Reid Linocut with hand coloring I: 9” x 9.75” P: 13” x 13”

No Title, 1988

No Title, 1988

Virginia Reid Linocut I: 15.5” x 12” P: 23” x 18”

Five O'Clock Flurry, 1984

Five O'Clock Flurry, 1984

Sarah Brayer Aquatint I: 25.75" x 16.25" P: 30" x 20"

Quietly, 1985

Quietly, 1985

Sarah Brayer Aquatint with chine collé and hand coloring I: 9.25" x 9" P: 15.25" x 15.25"

heart - to - heart, 1994

heart - to - heart, 1994

Sarah Brayer Aquatint with chine collé and hand coloring I: 7" x 7" P: 17" x 17"

4 A.M., 2008

4 A.M., 2008

Frances Jetter Linocut I: 18” x 24” P: 22” x 30”

No Title, 1960

No Title, 1960

Edith Kramer Etching I: 5.25” x 3.5” P: 11” x 10”

Zipporah and the Bird, 2004

Zipporah and the Bird, 2004

Judith Brodsky Photo etching with relief I: 11.5” x 8.75” P: 11” x 15”

One, 1997

One, 1997

Jakub Kwiatkowski Linocut I: 18.75” x 7.5” P: 20.5” x 9”

Alice, 1998

Alice, 1998

Sergey Hrapov Etching I: 5.5” x 3.75” P: 10.25” x 7.75”

caress, 2010

caress, 2010

Elaine Housman Etching I: 13” x 4.5” P: 19.5” x 11”

Venus and the Bad Guys #2, 1988

Venus and the Bad Guys #2, 1988

Cherie Moses Acrylic on paper I: 14.5” x 13.75” P: Bleed

Dreamer, 1992

Dreamer, 1992

Alice Helander Aquatint I: 10” x 11.5” P: 15” x 22.5”

San Hengues_2005

San Hengues_2005

Sergey Hrapov Etching I: 9.25” x 5.5” P: 15.5” x 10.5”

Globe Trekker, 2003

Globe Trekker, 2003

Yuji Hiratsuka Etching, inkjet, and chine collé I: 12” x 8” P: 15” x 11”

Pandora’s Box, 2002

Pandora’s Box, 2002

Sushanta Guha Aquatint I: 10” x 4.25” P: 15.5” x 11.75”

No Title, 2005

No Title, 2005

Deborah Freedman Aquatint I: 16.75” x 12” P: 22.5” x 16.25”

No Title, 2011

No Title, 2011

Marshall Arisman Etching I: 11.5” x 8.75” P: 19” x 14.75”

No Title, 2011

No Title, 2011

Marshall Arisman Etching I: 11.5” x 8.75” P: 19” x 14.75”

No Title, 2011

No Title, 2011

Marshall Arisman Etching I: 11.5” x 8.75” P: 19” x 14.75”

Human Cargo, 2001

Human Cargo, 2001

Michael Hew Wing and Tenjin Ikeda Mezzotint, linocut I: 12” x 12” P: 32.5” x 19”

Gypsy Family, 2002

Gypsy Family, 2002

Sushanta Guha Etching, aquatint I: 13.5” x 13.25” P: 20.5” x 26”

Simchas Torah-Men Singing, 1980

Simchas Torah-Men Singing, 1980

Jules Halfant Etching with aquatint I: 17.5” x 23.75” P: 22” x 29”

Joel, 2004

Joel, 2004

Consuelo Gotay Silk aquatint I: 21.75” x 14.75” P: 21.75” x 14.75”

You and me and you and IV, 2012

You and me and you and IV, 2012

Kyung Eng You Stone lithograph I: 12” x 7.5” P: 15” x 11.5”

"Philosophical Intercourse", 2007

"Philosophical Intercourse", 2007

Rie Hasegawa Etching I: 6” x 6” P: 12” x 11”

You and me and you and III, 2012

You and me and you and III, 2012

Kyung Eng You Stone lithograph I: 12” x 7.5” P: 15” x 11.5”

No Title, 1974

No Title, 1974

Daniel Fuchs Etching I: 19.5” x 12” P: 26” x 17.5”

No Title, 2001

No Title, 2001

Billy G. Frank Drypoint and relief I: 8” x 10” P: 23” x 15”

Inside-Outside, 1991

Inside-Outside, 1991

Katie Fleisman Monotype with water soluble crayon I: 23.75” x 17.75” P: 29.75” x 22.5”

No Title, 1985

No Title, 1985

Julie Fein Monotype I: 22” x 15” P: 23” x 15.5”

Sunday Morning, 1974

Sunday Morning, 1974

Ernest Crichlow Etching I: 17.75” x 11.5 P: 29” x 22”

dad you gotta sit up, 2018

dad you gotta sit up, 2018

Kyung Eng You Linocut I: 2” x 8” P: 6.25” x 9.75”

Motel, 1995

Motel, 1995

Ann Piva Aquatint I: 11.75” x 17.5” P: 15” x 20.75”

Leap, 1997

Leap, 1997

Ann Piva Aquatint I: 13.5” x 16.25” P: 17.75” x 22.75”

Initiation, 1995

Initiation, 1995

Ann Piva Aquatint I: 11.25” x 17.5” P: 14” x 20.5”

Flight, 1996

Flight, 1996

Ann Piva Aquatint I: 12” x 17.5” P: 15” x 21.75”

No Title, 1988

No Title, 1988

Yuri Ryzhik Etching I: 12.25” x 13.5” P: 18” x 18”

No Title, 2003

No Title, 2003

Robbie Guertin Woodcut I: 19” x 14” P: 29” x 21.5”

No Title, 1985

No Title, 1985

David Dunlop Monotype I: 15.75” x 19.75” P: 22” x 26.25”

No Title, 2015

No Title, 2015

Francine Douwes Paper lithograph I: 9.5” x 11” P: 11.25” x 15”

The Conqueror Wurm, 2007

The Conqueror Wurm, 2007

Zev Deans Silkscreen I: 32” x 22.25” P: 36.5” x 26”

Swimmer, 1983

Swimmer, 1983

Kathy De Atley Monoprint I: 43.25” x 30” P: Bleed

QUEEN, 2006

QUEEN, 2006

Lenka Curtin Woodcut I: 48” x 24” P: Bleed

Dreamgirl, 1978

Dreamgirl, 1978

Emma Amos Etching with aquatint I: 15" x 17.5" P: 24" x 26"

Woman with Hat, 1980

Woman with Hat, 1980

Emma Amos Soft ground aquatint I: 17.75" x 13.25" P: 30" x 22.25"

Louis Armstrong, 1998

Louis Armstrong, 1998

Emma Amos Paper lithograph I: 11.75" x 9" P: 18.5" x 12"

No Title, 2009

No Title, 2009

Justin Catania Woodcut I: 22” x 16” P: 23” x 17.5”

No Title, 2011

No Title, 2011

Jess Cassidy Relief I: 4” x 5.75” P: 8.5” x 11”

Barroquismos Latinos, 1983

Barroquismos Latinos, 1983

Rimer Cardillo Photo etching and engraving I: 17.75” x 23.75” P: 22” x 30”

No Title, 2011

No Title, 2011

Will Burnip Linocut I: 7.5” x 6.5” P: 10” x 7.5”

No Title, 2009

No Title, 2009

Lucas Almeida Etching I: 5.75” x 5.75” P: 12.75” x 10.75”

No Title, 1988

No Title, 1988

Emma Amos Stencil and color xerox transfer I: 19.5” x 12” P: 19.5” x 12”

Imprinted Traits #1, 1998

Imprinted Traits #1, 1998

Lisa Corinne Davis Paper lithograph, silk aquatint w chine collé I: 20.5” x 19.75” P: 20.5” x 19.75”

No Title, 2016

No Title, 2016

Elana Wise Paper lithograph I: 19” x 36” P: 29.5” x 41.75”

No Title, 1989

No Title, 1989

Nancy Welch Woodcut I: 32” x 24” P: Bleed

No Title, 2005

No Title, 2005

Bruce Waldman Soft ground etching I: 16.75” x 12” P: 22.5” x 16.75”

Gray Ears, 1984

Gray Ears, 1984

Richard Steiner Hanga I: 17.75" x 15" P: 20" x 16.5"

No Title, 1987

No Title, 1987

Mark R. Smith Soft ground aquatint I: 16.5" x 13" P: 30" x 22"

Concentricness, 1983

Concentricness, 1983

Mark R. Smith Aquatint I: 16.5" x 13" P: 29.75" x 22"

No Title

No Title

Yuri Ryzhik Linocut I: 12.5" x 16" P: 15.75" x 19"

Vijay Undoing, 2014

Vijay Undoing, 2014

Ruth Moscovitch Paper lithograph with chine collé I: 8" x 12.25" P: 11" x 15"

The Petals for a Building Opened Over Its Dying, 2013

The Petals for a Building Opened Over Its Dying, 2013

Laurie Lee-Georgescu Linocut I: 11.5" x 17.75" P: 15.25" x 22.25"

No Title, 2014

No Title, 2014

Laurie Lee-Georgescu Linocut I: 12” x 18" P: 18" x 24"

No Title, 2013

No Title, 2013

Laurie Lee-Georgescu Linocut I: 11.75" x 17.75" P: 15.25" x 22.25"

Leather and Lace, 2015

Leather and Lace, 2015

Katie Commodore Digital die cut on paper I: 11" x 11" P: 15" x 15"

China Doll, 2014

China Doll, 2014

Katie Commodore Reduction woodcut I: 17" x 18" P: 19" x 19.5"

No Title, 2015

No Title, 2015

Richard J Bonomo Lithograph I: 15" x 22.25" P: 11.5" x 14.5"

Twined Flowers, 2009

Twined Flowers, 2009

Emma Amos Aquatint with pochoir and chine collé I: Bleed P: 15.5" x 13.75"

On Top of the World, 1995

On Top of the World, 1995

Emma Amos Silk Aquatint with collage I: Bleed P: 30" x 22"

No Title, 2008

No Title, 2008

Bando Masaru Drypoint I: 10.5" x 6.25" P: 15" x 11"

A Morte da Mulher Boa, 2002

A Morte da Mulher Boa, 2002

J. Borges Woodcut I: 19" x 12" P: 26" x 18.75"

A Circanda, 2000

A Circanda, 2000

J. Borges Woodcut I: 9.25" x 12.25" P: 13" x 19"

Bust of Kalamazzo Woman, 2012

Bust of Kalamazzo Woman, 2012

Sigmund Abeles Drypoint I: 6" x 4" P: 11" x 10"

Alfred Brendel in Jerusalem, 2012

Alfred Brendel in Jerusalem, 2012

Sigmund Abeles Drypoint I: 17" x 17.75" P: 22" x 22"

No Title, 2008

No Title, 2008

Sigmund Abeles Drypoint I: 6" x 4" P: 11" x 10"

No Title, 2009

No Title, 2009

Paul Brown Photogravure I: 9.75" x 12.5" P: 10.75" x 14.5"

No Title, 2009

No Title, 2009

Paul Brown Photogravure I: 9.75" x 12.5" P: 10.75" x 14.5"

No Title, 2004

No Title, 2004

Paul Brown Photogravure I: 9.75" x 12.5" P: 13.75" x 18.5"

Bootstraps, 1997

Bootstraps, 1997

Emma Amos Paper Lithograph with hand coloring I: 12.5" x 17" P: 22" x 26"

Jumper, 1983

Jumper, 1983

Emma Amos Etching with hand coloring I: 41.5" x 30" P: 44.5" x 30"

Joe Louis, 1986

Joe Louis, 1986

Emma Amos Silk aquatint I: Bleed P: 44.75" x 15.25"

The Collector, 2013

The Collector, 2013

Sigmund Abeles Drypoint I: 11.75" x 8.75" P: 19.25" x 15"

Max Shabbath, 1978

Max Shabbath, 1978

Abeles Sigmund Drypoint I: 11.75" x 8.75" P:18.5" x 15"

Born In Mask, 1992

Born In Mask, 1992

Lev Alimov Aquatint I: 8" x 5.75" P: 10" x 8"

No Title, 1989

No Title, 1989

Brsut Etching aquatint I: 8.25" x 5.75" P: 9.25" x 6.75"

No Title, 2008

No Title, 2008

Bando Masaru Drypoint I: 11" x 12" P: 20" x 15"

Femina II, 2008

Femina II, 2008

Bando Masaru Drypoint I: 12.5" x 9.5" P: 22.5" x 15"

Femina I, 2008

Femina I, 2008

Bando Masaru Drypoint I: 9.5" x 12.5" P: 15" x 22.5"

No Title, 2008

No Title, 2008

Bando Masaru Drypoint I: 15.5" x 11" P: 20.5" x 15"

Edward Stanley Earle of Darbey, 1973

Edward Stanley Earle of Darbey, 1973

Francesco Bartolozzi Engraving I: 13.25" x 9.5" P: 18.5" x 14"

For Japanese with Mirrors, 1975

For Japanese with Mirrors, 1975

Camille Billops Relief printed etching I: 18.5" x 13.75" P: 29.5" x 22.25"

Alter Image Sacred Marriage I, 1998

Alter Image Sacred Marriage I, 1998

Majak Bredell Soft ground I: 12" x 24" P: 22" x 30"

Post-Christian Alter Images - Labyrinth

Post-Christian Alter Images - Labyrinth

Majak Bredell Soft ground I: 15.5" x 19.5" P: 22" x 30"

No Title, 1990

No Title, 1990

Alexander Brodsky and Ilya Utkin Etching I: 16" x 9" P: 30.5" x 21"

No Title, 1985

No Title, 1985

Alexander Brodsky and Ilya Utkin Etching I: 11.5" x 4.5" P: 21" x 15"

Alice's Table, 2013

Alice's Table, 2013

Heather Bryant Stone lithograph I: 17.25" x 12.75" P: 22" x 15"

When Pigs Fly, 2007

When Pigs Fly, 2007

Heather Bryant Stone lithograph I: 14" x 14" P: 18" x 17.5"

Not Today, 2010

Not Today, 2010

Scott Campbell Tattoo gun drypoint I: 17.75" x 12" P: 22.5" x 15"

No Title, 1984

No Title, 1984

Louisa Chase Aquatint, spit bite I: 7.25" x 7.25" P: 12.25" x 12.25"

Drums in the Night, 1994

Drums in the Night, 1994

Ann Chernow Etching with aquatint I: 7.25" x 9.25" P: 15" x 15"

No Title, 2005

No Title, 2005

Ann Chernow Lithograph I: Bleed P: 29.5" x 21.5"

Remember, 1994

Remember, 1994

Ann Chernow Etching, aquatint I: 5.75" x 8" P: 11" x 15"

Cellist, 1973

Cellist, 1973

Arthur Cohen Etching I: 5" x 4" P: 10" x 7.5"

Elizabeth & Karen, 1970

Elizabeth & Karen, 1970

Arthur Cohen Etching I: 4" x 5" P: 7.75" x 8.5"

Friends and Self, 1975

Friends and Self, 1975

Arthur Cohen Etching I: 10" x 7.5" P: 14.25" x 11"

Trio I, 1975

Trio I, 1975

Arthur Cohen Etching I: 7" x 8" P: 11" x 11.5"

Torso, 2014

Torso, 2014

Eldzier Cortor Etching aquatint I: 20" x 14.75" P: 30" x 22.25"

Girl, 1996

Girl, 1996

Nina Kovacheva Aquatint I: 5" x 3.5" P: 10.25" x 7.5"

The Palm of My Hand, 1985

The Palm of My Hand, 1985

Jackie Felix Monotype I; 9.75" x 11.75" P: 14.75" x 17.75"

A Glass of Guinness, 1990

A Glass of Guinness, 1990

Helen Frank Aquatint, spit bite I: 9" x 12" P: 14.25" x 17.25"

Egyptian Photographer #9, 1984

Egyptian Photographer #9, 1984

Neelon Crawford Photogravure I: 20" x 16" P: 30" x 22"

No Title, 1984

No Title, 1984

Neelon Crawford Photogravure I: 20" x 16" P: 30" x 22"

Velazquez, 1968

Velazquez, 1968

Salvador Dali Etching I: 7.5" x 5.25" P: 13.75" x 11"

"Ma", 2008

"Ma", 2008

Oleg Denysenko Etching with roulette I: 5.25" x 2" P: 8" x 4"

"WHEEL", 2010

"WHEEL", 2010

Oleg Denysenko Etching with roulette I: 2.75" x 1.75" P: 7.5" x 4"

"Hero", 2014

"Hero", 2014

Oleg Denysenko Etching with roulette I: 4.25" x 2.5" P: 7" x 3"

"SIRENA", 2005

"SIRENA", 2005

Oleg Denysenko Etching with roulette I: 5.75" x 3.75" P: 10.5" x 7.75"

Mysican "Musician", 2007

Mysican "Musician", 2007

Aleksei Fedor Etching I: 5" x 3" P: 9.75" x 4.75"

Harlequin and Pierrot, 2005

Harlequin and Pierrot, 2005

Aleksei Fedor Etching I: 5.25" x 4.5" P: 11" x 8"

No Title, 1987

No Title, 1987

Jackie Felix Lithograph with hand coloring I: Bleed P: 12" x 15.5"

No Title, 1986

No Title, 1986

Jackie Felix Monotype I: Bleed P: 15.75" x 27.75"

No Title, 2010

No Title, 2010

Jackie Felix Monotype I: 5.75" x 10" P: 10.25" x 14.75"

No Title, 2010

No Title, 2010

Jackie Felix Etching I: 8" x 8.5" P: 11.5" x 12.5"

No Title, 1992

No Title, 1992

Jackie Felix Monotype I: Bleed P: 15" x 18.75"

No Title, 2011

No Title, 2011

Jackie Felix Monotype I: 19.5" x 23.5" P: 22" x 28"

Orpheus I, 2000

Orpheus I, 2000

Jackie Felix Monotype I: 10" x 11.75" P: 14" x 16"

High Performance, 2010

High Performance, 2010

Jackie Felix Monotype I: 13.75" x 20" P: 18.5" x 24"

Bleeker Street, 1999

Bleeker Street, 1999

Helen Frank Aquatint, spit bite I: 9" x 18" P: 19" x 26.75"

Canal Street, 1995

Canal Street, 1995

Helen Frank Aquatint, spit bite I: 17" x 23.5" P: 24" x 30"

Madam X, 1998

Madam X, 1998

Helen Frank Aquatint, spit bite I: 12" x 9" P: 17.25" x 14.25"

Regarding Degas, 2012

Regarding Degas, 2012

Helen Frank Aquatint with spit bite I: 12" x 17.5" P: 16" x 21.5"

The Arm of Venus, 1985

The Arm of Venus, 1985

Jon Imber Steel whiteground etching I: Bleed P: 22.25" x 2.5"

Rescue, 1985

Rescue, 1985

Jon Imber Steel whiteground etching I: 18" x 24" P: 22" x 30"

Gipsy Time, 1990

Gipsy Time, 1990

Nina Kovacheva Aquatint with embossment I: 6" x 5" P: 10.25 x 7.5"

The Swap, 2001

The Swap, 2001

Martin Langford Mezzotint I: 8" x 12.75" P: 13" x 18"

Espresso, 1997

Espresso, 1997

Martin Langford Mezzotint I: 6.25" x 9.25" P: 10.25" x 13"

"Get Your own Dame Beer", 2012

"Get Your own Dame Beer", 2012

Nick Madonia Linocut I: 18" x 24" P: 30" x 22.25"

"Head On", 2012

"Head On", 2012

Nick Madonia Linocut I: 18" x 24" P: 30" x 22.25"

"Heat Wave", 2012

"Heat Wave", 2012

Nick Madonia Linocut I: 18" x 24" P: 30" x 22.25"

"The Big One", 2012

"The Big One", 2012

Nick Madonia Linocut I: 18" x 24" P: 30" x 22.25"

"Homicide", 2012

"Homicide", 2012

Nick Madonia Linocut I: 18" x 24" P: 30" x 22.25"

No Title, 1997

No Title, 1997

Michael Sloan Silkscreen I: 4.5” x 5” P: 11” x 8.25”

No Title, 2010

No Title, 2010

Jackie Felix Monotype I: 11.75" x 13.75" P: 16" x 17.75"

Four Tourists, 2012

Four Tourists, 2012

Ed Gould Water based woodcut I: 12” x 12” P: 17” x 15.25”

Self Portrait, 1994

Self Portrait, 1994

Lynn Newcomb Drypoint with chine collé I: 27.75" x 15.75" P: 29.75" x 22.5"

Mask, 2005

Mask, 2005

Ryan O'Mally Mezzotint I: 13" x 10" P: 22" x 15"

Dialogue, 1988

Dialogue, 1988

Michael Ponce de Leon Etching I: 7" x 10.5" P: 10" x 13.25"

Family Dinner, 2013

Family Dinner, 2013

Dasha Shishkin Aquatint I: 5.5" x 5.75" P: 15" x 11"

No Title, 2001

No Title, 2001

Dasha Shishkin Etching I: Bleed P: 17.5" x 23.5"

Visiting Friends, 2001

Visiting Friends, 2001

Dasha Shishkin I: 9.25" x 7" P: 14" x 11"

No Title, 2001

No Title, 2001

Dasha Shishkin Etching I: 17.5" x 23.5" P: 22" x 29"

No Title, 2001

No Title, 2001

Dasha Shishkin Etching I: Bleed P: 17.5" x 23.5"

Lichers, 1991

Lichers, 1991

Slava Skrabal Etching I: 3.5" x 2.5" P: 9.5" x 7.5"

Incabol, 1991

Incabol, 1991

Slava Skrabal Etching I: 5" x 3" P: 7.5" x 5.5"

No Title, 1991

No Title, 1991

Slava Skrabal Etching I: 2.75" x 1.75" P: 9.75" x 7.5"

No Title, 1991

No Title, 1991

Slava Skrabal Etching I: 2" x 2" P: 9.75" x 7.5"

No Title, 1991

No Title, 1991

Slava Skrabal Etching with hand coloring I: 2" x 2" P: 9.75" x 7.5"

Fear Has No Shape, 1990

Fear Has No Shape, 1990

Tanja Softic Aquatint I: 18" x 23.5" P: 22.25" x 30"

Awake, 1991

Awake, 1991

Tanja Softic Aquatint I: 7" x 7.25" P: 16.5" x 13"

No Title, 1984

No Title, 1984

Nina Subin Photogravure I: 6.5" x 9.75" P: 13" x 15.75"

No Title, 1984

No Title, 1984

Nina Subin Photogravure I: 6.75" x 9.75" P: 13" x 16"

No Title, 1997

No Title, 1997

Alexander Zackarov Etching I: 2" x 1.75" P: 7" x 7"

No Title, 2009

No Title, 2009

Lucas Almeida Etching I: 2.5” x 35.5” P: 6” x 35.5”

Nude Front 11, 2011

Nude Front 11, 2011

Adam Pitt Wood relief I: 11" x 22" P: 18" x 29"

Career Move, 2000

Career Move, 2000

Adam Pitt Woodcut I: 18" x 15" P: 23" x 27"

Animal in the Office, 2001

Animal in the Office, 2001

Adam Pitt Woodcut I: 17.75" x 24" P: 24" x 30"

Meeting Blow Up, 2001

Meeting Blow Up, 2001

Adam Pitt Woodcut I: 11.25" x 18" P: 18" x 25"

Alpha Boss, 2007

Alpha Boss, 2007

Adam Pitt Woodcut I: 28" x 11.5" P: 29.75" x 22"

Head in the Clouds, 2002

Head in the Clouds, 2002

Adam Pitt Woodcut I: 27.5" x 24" P: 34.5" x 30.5"

Boss Spirit, 2001

Boss Spirit, 2001

Adam Pitt Woodcut I: 18" x 9.25" P: 25" x 15.5"

Even in His Dreams, 2000

Even in His Dreams, 2000

Adam Pitt Woodcut I: 12" x 7.5" P: 17" x 13"

Atlas and His Boss, 1998

Atlas and His Boss, 1998

Adam Pitt Woodcut I: 20" x 11.25" P: 26.25" x 17.25"

High Places, 1998

High Places, 1998

Adam Pitt Woodcut I: 22" x 11" P: 27.5" x 16.5"

Homage to Workers, 2003

Homage to Workers, 2003

Adam Pitt Woodcut I: 18" x 11" P: 24.75" x 18.75"

Mask, 1997

Mask, 1997

Adam Pitt Woodcut I: 3.5" x 18" P: 20" x 25.5"

Nude Seated, 2013

Nude Seated, 2013

Adam Pitt Wood intaglio I: 23.75" x 18" P: 25.5" x 18.5"

Nude Side 13, 1998

Nude Side 13, 1998

Adam Pitt Wood intaglio I: 24" x 30" P: 24.75" x 37.5"

Portrait of a Pompous Ass, 2000

Portrait of a Pompous Ass, 2000

Adam Pitt Woodcut I: 21" x 15" P: 27" x 21"

Work Day, 2004

Work Day, 2004

Adam Pitt Woodcut I: 10” x 19.5” P: 14.75” x 24”

Sunset Over Commuter, 2004

Sunset Over Commuter, 2004

Adam Pitt Woodcut I: 16" x 12" P: 22" x 18.25"

Sisyphus and His Boss, 2000

Sisyphus and His Boss, 2000

Adam Pitt Woodcut I: 18.5" x 14" P: 25" x 21"

The Worst Thing in the World, 2002

The Worst Thing in the World, 2002

Adam Pitt Woodcut I: 11.25" x 17.5" P: 18" x 24.25"

Their Boss, 1997

Their Boss, 1997

Adam Pitt Woodcut I: 20" x 14" P: 25" x 20"

Warrior I, 2002

Warrior I, 2002

Adam Pitt Woodcut I: 18" x 11" P: 24.5" x 18"

Warrior II, 2002

Warrior II, 2002

Adam Pitt Woodcut I: 18" x 11" P: 24.5" x 18"

Warrior III, 2002

Warrior III, 2002

Adam Pitt Woodcut I: 18.5" x 11.5" P: 24.5" x 17.25"

Dancing Flags, 1985

Dancing Flags, 1985

Carol Jessen Hanga I: 22” x 9.5” P: 24.5” x 11.75”

The Girl and the Narwhal, 2018

The Girl and the Narwhal, 2018

Zheyu Wang Lithograph I: 10.5” x 6.5” P: Bleed

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315 West 39th Street

Room # 1210

New York, NY 10018

This website was made possible by the generosity of Ceil and Dick Moore. 

Website © Copyright 2024, Kathy Caraccio. All rights reserved. Featured artworks' © belong to artists' estates.  
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