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Below you see samples of botanical images in the collection. For complete works of a particular artist access the artist page in browse by artist. Click on image and then arrows to see pieces as slide show.
No Title (diptych A), 1989Louis La Brie Lithograph I: 18” x 26” P: 22” x 30” | No Title (diptych B), 1989Louis La Brie Lithograph I: 18” x 26” P: 22” x 30” | No Title, 2000Beth Ganz Photogravure with chine collé I: 7.75” x 9.25” P: 14.75” x 16.25” |
Night Among Pines, 1977Catherine Hagstrom Monotype I: 15.75” x 19.75” P: 20.5” x 25” | No Title, 1978Mary Wood Lithograph I: 5.5” x 9.25” P: 9.75” x 12” | No Title, 1995Ellen Weider Drypoint I: 6” x 6” P: 15” x 11” |
Vase, 1981Sally Mara Sturman Monotype I: 15” x 16.75” P: 19.75” x 22” | No Title, 1984Sally Mara Sturman Aquatint I: 21.5" x 23.5" P: 29.5" x 31" | “Water Blossom”, 2005Chiyono Murano Relief on chine collé I: 19.5" x 15.5" P: 27" x 22.25" |
Red Rose with Cactus, 1982Nancy S.C. Miller Monotype I: 9.5" x 22.5" P: 22." x 29.75" | Beach Scene with Flowers and Pine Trees, 1981Nancy S.C. Miller Drawing I: 16.5" x 22.5" P: 22.5" x 30" | Two Pots of Tulips with Cactus, 1983Nancy S.C. Miller Monotype I: 19.5" x 26.5" P: 22.5" x 19.75" |
Windy Gates, 1983Marjorie Mason Photogravure w monoprint I: 11.5" x 14.5" P: 22" x 25" | No Title, 2001James Nickel Etching I: 11.75" x 17.75" P: 15" x 22.5" | Autumn IV, 1994Nicolette Jelen Color roulette I: 13.75" x 15.75" P: 22.25" x 24" |
Machinomanations de la Fleur, 1975Thomas O'Donoghue Ross Etching and engraving I: 20" x 16" P: 29.5" x 22.5" | Old Apple Tree, 1986Lev Alimov Etching with aquatint I: 4.75" x 3.5" P: 11.25" x 8.5" | Three Trees, 2000Robert Birmelin Etching I: 9.75" x 24" P: 15" x 29.5" |
The Disappearance, 2000Robert Birmelin Etching I: 12" x 16" P: 18" x 22" | No Title, 2006Carol McCarthy Mezzotint I: 5.75" x 7.75" P: 11" x 12" | Flower #10, 1983Lamar Briggs Monotype I: 5" x 3" P: 21" x 29.5" |
Flower/Bali, 1981Lamar Briggs Monotype I: 8" x 12.75" P: 23" x 21" | No Title, 1987Lamar Briggs Monotype I: 23.75" x 22.5" P: 23.75" x 15.75" | No Title, 1987Lamar Briggs Monotype I: 23.75" x 15.75" P: 22" x 30" |
5-92, 1992Stephen Burt Etching, aquatint I: 11.5" x 9" P: 22.25" x 14.75" | 6-92, 1992Stephen Burt Etching, aquatint I: 11.5" x 9" P: 22.25" x 14.75" | Pay in Advance, 2010Scott Campbell Tattoo gun drypoint I: 12" x 9" P: 15" x 11.25" |
Rose, 2010Scott Campbell Tattoo gun drypoint I: 18" x 12" P: 22.5" x 15" | No Title, 2010Gail Flanery Drawing with collage on postcard I: 5.75" x 8" P: 8.5" x 10" | No Title, 2009Gail Flanery Water color on postcard I: Bleed P: 6" x 6" |
No Title, 2010Gail Flanery Drawing with collage on postcard I: 8" x 4.5" P: 10" x 6.75" | No Title, 2000Jane Freilicher Lithograph on HMP I: 18" diameter P: Bleed | View Toward South, 1997Jane Freilicher Etching with chine collé I: 14" x 17" P: 19.5" x 25.5" |
No Title, 2012Stephen Fredericks Soft ground relief printed I: 23.5" x 35.75 P: 30.5" x 34.5" | Marsh Reeds III, 2006Stephen Fredericks Etching I: 35.75" x 23.75" P: 43.75" x 30" | No Title, 1984Daniel Hauben Lithograph I: 13: x 20" P: 18.5" x 25" |
No Title, 1996Jonathan Higgins Photogravure I: 6.25" x 4" P: 8.5" x 6" | No Title, 2003Masatoshi Ichiishi Etching aquatint I: 4" x 4" P: 7" x 9" | Early Evening II, 1988Nicolette Jelen Roulette I: 18.5" x 17.5" P: 30" x 22" |
A View of Peconic, 1988Nicolette Jelen Roulette I: 16" x 22.25" P: 30" x 22.25" | "Exile", 1999Konstantin Kalynovych Etching I: 3.75" x 4.25" P: 9.75" x 6.75" | Waiting for Spring, 1999Konstantin Kalynovych Etching I: 4.5" x 6.5" P: 7.75" x 11" |
Natura Obscura XLVIII, 1998Robert Kelly Monotype with hand coloring I: 16" x 11.75" P: 30" x 22" | Natura Obscura XLVI, 1998Robert Kelly Monotype with hand coloring I: 16" x 11.75" P: 30" x 22" | Terra Prima XLI, 1995Robert Kelly Monotype with hand coloring I: 16" x 11.75" P: 30" x 22" |
Terra Prima XXXVIII, 1995Robert Kelly Monotype with hand coloring I: 16" x 11.75" P: 30" x 22" | Invitations, 1997Robert Kipniss Mezzotint I: 20" x 16" P: 26.5" x 22" | Clear Vase & Landscape, 1995Robert Kipniss Mezzotint I: 9.5" x 14" P: 15" x 20" |
Curtains and Leaves, 1978Robert Kipniss Lithograph I: 24" x 18" P: 29" x 21.75" | For Stella, 1998Robert Kipniss Mezzotint I: 19.5" x 19.5" P: 28.75" x 23.75" | Ohio Morning, 1978Robert Kipniss Lithograph I: 9" x 10" P: 13" x 14" |
No Title, 1984Harriet Shorr Monotype I: Bleed P: 22.25" x 30" | Blue Present, 1983Harriet Shorr Aquatint I: 28" x 21.5" P: 38" x 29.5" | Big Blue, 1980Harriet Shorr Steel Aquatint I: Bleed P: 29.5" x 41.5" |
Summer Pears, 1985Harriet Shorr Steel Aquatint and spit bite I: Bleed P: 29" x 41.5" | Kimono & Kiwi, 1990Harriet Shorr Aquatint I: 21.75" x 29.5" P: 29.5" x 37.5" | Casblanca Lillies, 1989Harriet Shorr Steel aquatint and spit bite I: Bleed P: 29.5" x 41.5" |
Cattleyas for Odette, 1981Harriet Shorr Steel aquatint with spit bite I: Bleed P: 29.5" x 41.5" | Reminiscing, 1978Robert Kipniss Lithograph I: 23.5" x 18" P: 29" x 23" | Tall Trees at Night, 2001Robert Kipniss Mezzotint I: 19.5" x 13.5" P: 24.5" x 18.5" |
The White Forest, 2000Robert Kipniss Mezzotint I: 24" x 18" P: 30" x 22" | Window with Vase and Forest, 2001Robert Kipniss Mezzotint I: 19.5" x 19.5" P: 29" x 23.5" | Window with Bench and Tree, 1999Robert Kipniss Mezzotint I: 19.75" x 15.75" P: 26.75" x 22.75" |
The Don-Bar, 1983Carole Sue Lebbin Aquatint I: 6" x 9" P: 15" x 17.5" | A Clear Day, 1977Leslie Meyers Lithograph, chine collé I: Bleed P: 27.75" x 21" | This Coupon Good For, 1982Leslie Meyers Lithograph I: Bleed P: 22.25" x 30" |
Invocation, 1982Leslie Meyers Lithograph I: Bleed P: 22.5" x 30" | Moving in Quiet Waters, 1986Bea Mitchel Mezzotint I: 5" x 7" P: 16" x 12.5" | Sunday in Barcelona, 1986Bea Mitchel Mezzotint I: 6.75" x 5" P: 15.5" x 11.25" |
No Title, 1978Doris Seidler Viscosity linoleum cut I: Bleed P: 12" x 12" | No Title, 2016Kendra Shedelhelm Lithograph I: 20.5" x 23.5" P: 20.5" x 26.25" | No Title, 2001Dasha Shishkin Etching I: Bleed P: 17.5" x 23.5" |
No Title, 1984Nina Subin Photogravure I: 6" x 9" P: 13" x 16" | No Title, 1998Ellen Weider Drypoint I: 6" x 6" P: 15" x 11" | Adam, 2012Adam Pitt Woodcut I: 22" x 11.5" P: 29" x 17.25" |
Little Bird and Camellia, 1984Utagawa Hiroshige Hanga I: 15.25” x 5” P: 17.25” x 5.75” | Stairs to Vysoky Zamok, 2010Valerie Storosh Digital I: 11.5” x 8.75” P: 14” x 11” | Stairs to Vysoky Zamok #2, 2010Valerie Storosh Digital I: 11.5” x 8.75” P: 14” x 11” |
No Title, 2013Evan Lindquist Engraving I: 3.5” x 4.25” P: 4.25” x 7” | No Title, 2015Evan Lindquist Engraving I: 4” x 2.5” P: 8” x 5” | Rondo, 1980Alvin Sandler Lithograph I: 23” x 17.5” P: 28” x 22” |
Winter Light, 1983Alvin Sandler Lithograph with viscosity collagraph I: 15.75” x 21” P: 22” x 28” | River Etude IV, 1983Alvin Sandler Lithograph with viscosity collagraph I: 21” x 15.5” P: 28” x 22.25” | River Etude II, 1985Alvin Sandler Lithograph with viscosity collagraph I: 21” x 16” P: 27.5” x 22” |
River Etude I, 1985Alvin Sandler Lithograph with viscosity collagraph I: 21” x 16” P: 28” x 22.25” | Red Leaves, 1979Alvin Sandler Lithograph I: 23.5” x 17.75” P: 28.5” x 22” | Redwoods, 1979Alvin Sandler Lithograph I: 23.5” x 17.75” P: 28.5” x 22” |
Autumn Evergreen, 1979Alvin Sandler Lithograph I: 20” x 16” P: 27.25” x 22” | Fall, 1987Betty Wilde Hanga I: 9” x 8.5” P: 10.25” x 9.5” |
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