Lev Alimov
(b.1945, Brest, Belarus)
Member of the Belarusian Union of Artists since 1989, a recipient of numerous of awards in the field of fine arts, Lev Alimov is one of the finest aquatint artists alive. The international biographic center (Cambridge, Great Britain) called him "The Man of the Year", having awarded him the medal "For achievements in the XXth century". His works are in museums and galleries such as the National Museum of History and Culture of Belarus (Minsk, Belarus), the Museum of Modern Art of Belarus, the State Tretyakov Gallery (Moscow, Russia), the Schlossberg State Museum (Germany), the Ex-libris Museum (Poland), the UN Palace of Nations gallery (Switzerland), the University of Missouri museum (USA), Tama University museum (Tokyo, Japan), Bankside gallery (London, England), the Taller Gallery Fort (Barcelona, Spain), the State Library of Cyril and Methodius (Sofia, Bulgaria) and the Ex-libris centre (Belgium).